The Early Grade Reading Studies aim to realise the Department of Basic Education’s vision and mission by focussing on Goal 1 and 16 in the Sector Action Plan “Action Plan to 2019: Towards the realisation of Schooling 2030”
The Early Grade Reading Studies are a related series of large-scale evaluations being led by the South African Department of Basic Education in collaboration with academics at various universities and international donor organisations. The project aims to build evidence about what works to improve the learning and teaching of early grade reading in South African schools. The project uses formal impact evaluation methodologies (randomised experiments) and makes extensive use of mixed methods (classroom observation and detailed case studies) so as to provide both a quantitative estimate of what the impact of each intervention is on home language and English as First Additional Language, as well as understand where, how and why different elements of the interventions are working.
Over the past ten years, the Early Grade Reading Studies (EGRS) have been advancing knowledge on the system-wide improvement of early grade reading in both African languages and English as a second language in South Africa.
EGRS Videos

EGRS English


EGRS Setswana

Goal 1
Increase the number of learners in Grade 3 who, by the end of the year, have mastered the minimum language and numeracy competencies for Grade 3
Goal 16
Improve the professionalism, teaching skills, subject knowledge and computer literacy of teachers throughout their entire careers