Presentations from the Early Grade Reading Research Indaba.
Dr David Evans, Centre for Global Development discuss the International Experience. Research and Implementation of Reading Programmes by Government in Other Countries:
Professor Brahm Fleisch, University of Witwatersrand, discuss Early Grade Reading in Education Research and Practice:
Dr Stephen Taylor, Department of Basic Education, discuss the Key Findings from Early Grade Reading Studies:
Nompumelelo Mohohlwane, Department of Basic Education, discuss the Structured Pedagogy: The Triple Cocktail – also see the infographic:
Lesang Sebaeng, Department of Basic Education, discuss the Classroom Reading Materials:
Kolosa Nonkenge, Department of Basic Education, discuss using technology for reading outcomes:
Dr Noam Angrist, Young Impact, discuss using technology during a pandemic:
Sibongile Khumalo, The Learning Trust, discuss parental involvement:
Nangamso Mtsatse, Funda Wande, discuss the Language question Early Grade Reading Interventions in Home Language and English First Additional Language (EFAL):